Friday, September 30, 2016

An Open Letter To The Man I love

To the man that stole my heart I write this letter,
    To think that our lives would be the way they are  right now makes me chuckle a little inside.You
see if I knew what I know now I would have spent all my time chasing after you instead of the time I
threw out. But clearly God, had other plans.

Almost two years ago Id say I was in one of the worst places of my life and out of no where you came. Swooping in and saving me from all the things that had brought me to such a terrible place in my life.( now if Im being dramatic please correct me) I was angry with the way Id been dealt life and how I felt about my self. I was broken, broken in a way I thought no one would ever understand.

Patiently, you waited. You slowly started to discover who I was and I wasn't afraid . You watered me with kindness and humility like id never known before. You busted through the walls I built around myself one brick at a time.

Before I knew it my feet had been swept from underneath me . The first time I had been appreciated. the first time someone had made me realize that yes there are still wonderful men out there.

Now ordinary is far from what our relationship has been. With countless hours spent on the phone to care packages from thousands of miles away. Not once has there been question if this is going to work. With all the tears shed in silence when your not here I remind my self that there has never been someone like you in my life before. I would never be able to replace you in all that you have done for me. You show me day in and day out that my future with you is the only one I want to see.

My only hope is that everything you do for me I hope I give back. I hope that no mater what life throws our way that I can be the best to you.  I hope that you know Im proud of you and all that you do. I hope that  every day I remind you that you are the only one my soul longs for .

 I love you more than the world knows.


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